Traditional Sardinian culurgiones.
A tasty mix of genuine raw materials and skilful craftsmanship.
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Are you spoiled for choice? Here is a selection of typical Sardinian products.
Artisan knowledge becomes a delight at any table.
Tasting the products of small Sardinian artisan companies is a choice of value. Not only for the tastiness and authenticity of the products but also for supporting the region and its traditions.
Find out more
Sardinia, the taste of discovery
the best
of Sardinia,
at your home.

Selected typical products
We select only the best typical Sardinian food and wine products with care and passion.

Passion for the territory
Our work is fueled by a strong bond with the territory and a deep knowledge of its culture.

The best local producers
Janas Food's suppliers are chosen from among the best artisan producers in Sardinia.
are you a company?
If you work in the Ho.Re.Ca sector or resell typical products, enjoy the convenience of buying from us. In addition to having a special price list, you will receive up to a 10% discount on the total of your cart.
janas magazine: ideas to savour.
Ricetta mirto sardo: alla scoperta dell'Acqua degli Angeli
La Sardegna è un'isola incantevole, ricca di tradizioni e cultura, e anche di una cucina...
Una dolcezza della tradizione sarda: seadas ricetta originale
Se siete amanti dei dolci tradizionali della Sardegna, sicuramente conoscete già le seadas (anche...
Pancetta tesa fatta in casa: una ricetta facile e ricca di gusto
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